Macao Ranked First in Index of Competitiveness in Overall Efficiency in China

A wide gap exists between Macao's index of competitiveness in overall efficiency and the index of competitiveness overall

China Academy of Social Science (CASS), and the Institute for Social and Cultural Research, Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) have released a study titled '2016 China (Macao) Urban Competitiveness'. The study rates the economic competitiveness of Macao in 2015 at 0.447, with the city ranking 9th among the 294 cities of prefectural level and above in China. However, the index of competitiveness increased to 0.041, ranking the city 220th, which although it was an improvement compared to the 232nd position in 2014 was still low on the list. Macao's index of competitiveness in overall efficiency, however, was as high as a full 1, ranking the city first.

The index of competitiveness for a livable environment was 0.596 in 2015, dropping 16 positions year on year to 36th, while the index of competitiveness for a business-benefiting environment was 0.398, a decrease of 4 positions year on year to 32nd. The index of sustainable competitiveness was 0.801, ranking it 5th, following Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. Sustainable competitiveness covers six categories, four of which are outstanding – urban competitiveness in harmony and whole-range urban competitiveness both rank 2nd nationally, while urban competitiveness in ecology and culture rank 4th and 5th, respectively. For urban competitiveness in knowledge and information, Macao ranks 39th and 17th, respectively.

The index system of urban competitiveness is composed of an overall economic competitiveness index that measures current short-term competitiveness and a sustainable competitiveness index that measures future long-term competitiveness. The former comprises competitiveness in overall increase and over efficiency; the latter consists of urban competitiveness in knowledge, urban competitiveness in harmony, urban competitiveness in ecology, urban competitiveness in culture, whole-range urban competitiveness and urban competitiveness information.