CTM Free WiFi Now Covers Taipa Village

Rua do Cunha and Rua do Regedor are popular with residents and tourists alike

Rua do Cunha and Rua do Regedor in Taipa Village are both popular with tourists. As a response to the needs of residents and tourists to go online, CTM's free Wi-Fi service - officially launched in June - is now available at around 50 merchants.

Residents and tourists can access a CTM Wi-Fi hotspot by using their smart device and login to CTM-WIFI-FREE to enjoy 60 minutes of free CTM WiFi service. The service can simultaneously accommodate the demands of over 5,000 smart devices.

Moreover, WiFi Guide@Taipa is now ready and providing free Wi-Fi throughout Taipa Village. Users can access the Internet on their smart device by searching for 'WIFIGUIDE.MO' and clicking onto 'login now'.