• An illustration of the preservation zones of Lai Chi Vun Shipyards Area (Photo courtesy of Cultural Affairs Bureau)
  • Cultural Heritage Committee members supported the preliminary plan of classification of the Lai Chi Vun Shipyards area (Photo courtesy of Cultural Affairs Bureau)

IC Proposes Five Preservation Zones for Lai Chi Vun Shipyards

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The Macao SAR Government Cultural Heritage Committee held its ordinary plenary meeting on 31st July, during which the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) introduced a preliminary plan of classification of the Lai Chi Vun Shipyards area.

Due to the historic significance of the Lai Chi Vun Shipyards, IC proposes dividing the area into five zones of differing degrees of preservation; namely, Zone 1 (coral colour on illustration) comprising three shipyards and a caulk factory, with the plan calling for completely preserving its structures; Zone 2 (yellow area) comprising 10 shipyards, which IC proposes revitalising them according to the characteristics of the original structures.

The plan also suggests maintaining the characteristics of open spaces or restructuring and revitalising according to the characteristics of the two shipyards in Zone 3 (green area). Zone 4 (blue area) is to allow for some 40 metres of water around the shipyard, preserving, in addition, the mangroves. Zone 5 (pink area) calls for enlarging the protection area (covered by red dots).

The initiative was supported by members of the Cultural Heritage Committee, which will continue the subsequent work per the directions suggested by the plan.