• MGTO and MGM co-organsied a seminar on ‘Effective communication with persons with disabilities towards a barrier-free environment’
  • The ‘Power in Our Hands’ community e-learning programme of Macao sign language was officially launched on 25th March

‘Power in Our Hands’ Online Sign Language Programme Co-launched by MGTO and MGM

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Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) and MGM co-launched the ‘Power in Our Hands’ community e-learning programme of Macao sign language on 25th March, instilling deeper awareness in tourism industry personnel about various special needs in support of the Macao SAR Government scheme optimising accessibility to the urban environment.

This is the first e-learning programme MGTO has embarked upon with a tourism enterprise. With the support of Macau Deaf Association, the programme provides elementary knowledge of sign language, the expression of Macao’s tourism resources and basic daily conversations in sign language and so forth, enabling industry personnel to learn and grasp sign language at a rudimentary level.

Local tourism industry personnel are welcome to join the e-learning programme - available in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and English - for free: www.mgm.mo/en/global/sign_language_elearning.

On the same day, MGTO, together with MGM, co-organised a seminar on ‘Effective communication with persons with disabilities towards a barrier-free environment’. Arranged by the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, individuals with physical, visual and auditory disabilities from the Fuhong Society of Macau, the Hong Kong Society for the Deaf and Hong Kong Blind Union were present at the seminar for an exchange of experiences with industry participants. Understanding the needs of individuals with different disabilities and ways to communicate with them, and the strengthening of their confidence in respective communication as well as providing higher quality services for people with special needs was the focus of the seminar.